[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdMUlJF3Jek?rel=0&w=480&h=360]
not sure what happened with Friday’s journal entry, and after that it was a long weekend here in WA, so the whole journal thing went out the window!
The long run on Saturday was 20.4km and took 3 hours, 14 minutes and 4 seconds.
The recovery run on Sunday was 5km, completed in a leisurely 44 minutes and 28 seconds.
Monday was a rest day, though with the whole weekend given over to tidying up the garden and pool area, it wasn’t much of a rest!
I’m now only 12 days away from taking part in my first marathon, so things are winding down. The runs are getting shorter, so the mid-week runs are a little faster, and the rest time is slowly increasing.
Funny thing is, from my office I can see a large part of the Perth marathon course – so there’s a daily reminder right in front of me of what I am signed up to do. It doesn’t look too bad from here – but I know it’s going to hurt LOL.
03:00 – glass water, cookie
03:15 – 4.58km run – 31:54
04:00 – toasted almond muesli. 2 slices toast, butter & plum jam. orange juice
05:25 – bus, nap
07:00 – black coffee. fruit salad fruit cup.
08:30 – peanuts & rice crackers
09:30 – citrus, sultana & oat biscuit
11:00 – roast chicken & sweet potato with garden salad, feta cheese & french vinaigrette. apple & cranberry muffin
13:45 – perri-perri chicken & rice
14:15 – bus, nap
18:30 – beef curry, rice, papadums
22:00 – glass milk, bed