Movin’ to the country for sure…
Time to bed (previous night): 23:30
Time got up (today): 05:30
Mood (1 to 5):
Morning 3 (had to fight a number of excuses just to get up and go to the gym)
Lunch 4
Night 4
05:30 – Multigrain cracker, glass water
05:45 – Gym (see below)
07:00 – Egg, Bacon and Mushroom sandwich, orange juice
09:00 – A few hours in the backyard, digging and levelling sand
12:00 – Cold turkey, slice of bread, a few pickled onions. 1 beer.
15:00 – Orange juice.
18:00 – Roast chicken, 2 small potatoes, carrots, peas, gravy
22:00 – Milk, bed
5 mins warm-up bike – 2.304km
1000m row – 4m 21s
Toe push-ups – 20, 13, 7
Knee pushups x 20
800m row – 3m 38s
20 squats
20 leg press (level 20)
20 calf raises
600m row – 2m 39s
20 x triceps rope (50kg)
20 x bicep curls (30kg)
20 x shoulder press (30kg)
400m row – 1m 43s
20 crunches
20 ab twists
20 bicycle legs
200m row – 50s
Long drive yesterday, late night, wrong frame of mind… whatever the reason, the rowing was REALLY hard work today. The 50s time for 200m is a good indicator of how drained/off-pace I was!