another lie-in today – didn’t get up until 4:30am! no gym this morning as i will be meeting britt later for a weigh-in, measure and training session.
haven’t had a proper weigh and measure for a while, so it will be good to establish where we’ve got to so far. the weight seems to have “stabilised” around the 118/119kg mark so I’m keen to check how things like body fat %age are going.
will update you all with the findings later – in the interim, enjoy some rockin’ guitar….
Time got up (today): 04:30
Mood (1 to 5):
Morning 4
Lunch 3.5 (tired and a little achy)
Night 3 (very tired)
04:30 – bowl cereal, orange juice
05:25 – bus, meditate, nap
06:15 – skinny long mac
09:30 – dried cranberries, nuts
11:30 – Melbourne Cup lunch / morning tea
16:00 – Stirling Leisure Centre with Britt, weigh, measure, few warm-ups and then body pump
20:00 – chicken kiev, veg
22:00 – milk, bed