Found the gym card – it was in clear sight! Many thanks to the universe for pointing out that Saturdays need to be rest days lol.
Time to bed (previous night): 23:00
Time got up (today): 06:45
Daily water intake: 2800ml
Mood (1 to 5):
Morning 5
Lunch 5
Night 5
06:45 – Piece of toast with vegemite, glass water
07:00 – Gym (see below)
08:15 – Bacon and egg sandwich, glass orange juice
10:30 – Black coffee, apple
13:00 – Omelette (ham, veggies)
15:30 – Weigh-in and measure followed by an espresso (in a coffee mood today for some reason)
18:00 – Sausages, lamp chop, egg plant slices (roasted), mushrooms, baked beans
22:15 – Glass milk, bed
Latest stats are: 131.9kg (the first 10kg have gone!), 34.4% body fat (down from 38% I think), 116cm chest, 114cm waist