2014-08-12: “pre-season” day 2

so, here we are. day 2 of “pre-season”…

my original plan was to incorporate a short video clip each day, just to add a bit of a “vlog” component to this. but a couple of technical issues gave me the opportunity to pause and reflect…

to keep things relatively simple, both for myself and you, dear minions, I’m going to “hijack” the weekly video and do a bit of a recap as we go through this, week by week.

so how is it going?

well, for me, all I can say is that I have allowed things to get a bit loose and flappy around the edges, and this is a fantastic opportunity to correct a few things, tighten a few other things back up, and get back to basics using the same techniques that I used first time around…

I actually think I will do a bit of a “relaunch” of this #lifestylereboot thing on the page, probably as part of the weekly video later this week…

so, anyway, on with the journal entry…

day 2 journal

note: breakfast, lunch and dinner all part of lite n easy 1500 calorie pack. at least 1.5l of fresh cold water consumed across the day.

03:30 – 1.7km walk – http://www.strava.com/activities/178878859

04:30 – breakfast – strawberry yoghurt crunch, multigrain toast with peanut butter

05:30 – bus, 30 minute nap

06:30 – coffee, 2 sugars

10:00 – fruit salad cup

10:30 – cup of tea, 2 sugars

12:00 – riverside stroll – http://www.strava.com/activities/179017772

12:30 – corned beef and mustard relish wholegrain sandwich,

13:30 – muesli cookies

14:30 – cup of tea, 2 sugars. date & walnut cake

16:15 – bus, nap

18:00 – asian lamb shanks & rice

21:00 – glass milk, bed


“The Bizzy Runner” was born out of a belief that ordinary people are capable of achieving extraordinary things, and that with the right information, education and support, they can build a business they love, and create more time and opportunity to have an amazing adventure-filled life. Fill in the form below to gain access to a free video series that will explain how this is all possible.

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