day 3 of “pre-season” – I hope you are all enjoying this at home 🙂
my main  thoughts from yesterday were really about structure; mostly how much better I am with a structure in place, and how easy it has been to let that fall away a little at a time, and more than a little in the first week after the op!
good news is that these things are easily rectified – that’s what this #lifestylereboot idea is about really!
day 3 journal
note: breakfast, lunch and dinner all part of lite n easy 1500 calorie pack. at least 1.5l of fresh cold water consumed across the day.
03:30 – 1.7km walk –Â
04:30 – breakfast – nut cluster crunch, cheese and tomato toasted multigrain sandwich. orange juice
05:30 – bus, 30 minute nap
06:30 – coffee, 2 sugars
10:00 –Â peach cup
10:30 – cup of tea, 2 sugars
12:00 – riverside stroll –
12:30 – spaghetti bolognaise, red apple
13:30 –Â choc berry fusion
14:30 – cup of tea, 2 sugars. corn and parmesan muffin
16:15 – bus, nap
18:00 –Â butter chicken
21:00 – glass milk, bed