23 Aug 2012: Just Say Yes


As I have mentioned before, it’s quite interesting to see what I feel like doing on a Thursday morning. I pretty much knew what I was going to do, when I went to bed Wednesday evening. Sure enough, I woke up in the mood to push myself into doing a bit of jogging.

I set out in a different direction to before, unsure of how far I would go up Warton Road, or which way I would turn. In the end I wound up doing a 10.8km circuit, which I felt pretty damned pleased about I can tell you! Even more exciting though is the fact that I jogged the whole way – as I have discussed on this blog previously, running isn’t my thing and even though this was “grandad jogging” I jogged non-stop for more than 10 km.

Consider the running demons from my schooldays, well and truly exorcised!


Time got up: 03:45
Mood (1 to 5):
Morning 5
Lunch 4
Night 3.5 (tiredness, aching)


03:45 – Few dried banana chips, glass of water
04:00 – Backyard session (see below)
06:30 – Porridge, 2 slices toast, orange juice
07:20 – Bus, nap
08:30 – Skinny long mac
10:00 – Muffin
12:00 – Roll with chicken, cheese and salad.
21:00 – Small serve minestrone soup, little pesto pasta and piece of choc cake
22:30 – Milk, bed

Backyard Session

Walk around block with Marble to warm up

Jog – Warton Road, Spencer Road, Yale Road, Garden Street. 10.8km. 1 hour, 38 mins, 23 seconds


“The Bizzy Runner” was born out of a belief that ordinary people are capable of achieving extraordinary things, and that with the right information, education and support, they can build a business they love, and create more time and opportunity to have an amazing adventure-filled life. Fill in the form below to gain access to a free video series that will explain how this is all possible.

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