Came on the radio as we drove back from Saturday morning football…
Time to bed (previous night): 0:00
Time got up (today): 07:00
Mood (1 to 5):
Morning 5
Lunch 5
Night 5
07:30 – Egg & bacon sandwich, orange juice
09:00 – Grasshopper soccer with Kian
11:00 – Apple, slice toast with vegemite. Cup of tea
13:00 – Chinese combination at Food Court. Pepsi Max
14:00 – Pruning trees and shrubs in front garden
19:00 – Lads’ night out. Many many pints of ale, topped off with a kebab and chips at about 2am or so…
04:00 – Not entirely sure of the time, but it was at least 4am before I got to bed.