[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1__6ft9y5c?rel=0&w=480&h=360]
it’s been a few days since the last journal entry, so here’s a brief roundup of the weekend. it was an important milestone weekend in terms of the marathon training – this is the longest “long run” I will do before the marathon in 3 weeks time. I am now entering the “tapering” period, where the distances decrease, to allow my body time to heal, recover and be as strong as possible for the main event.
with a good rest on Friday, I plotted a route for Saturday morning unlike any other to date. Rather than running a circuit, starting and finishing at home, I mapped out a 32km route to Fremantle, where the plan was to meet my family for breakfast.
I set off just after 4:15am, paced myself nicely and found it mostly enjoyable until the 20km (or so) mark. From that point onwards, the route was very hilly, with the downhill sections taking as much out of me as the uphill parts.
By the time I got to Marine Terrace in Freo, I was done. I had run 30km, and walked the last 2km. Breakfast went down very well indeed!
On the positive side, with the Perth Marathon being a relatively flat course, I remain confident of being able to finish it. Yes, it’s an extra 10km, however… the taper period will help ensure that I am stronger, and that hilly 10km I ran on Saturday is easily equivalent (enery-wise) to well over 20km on the flat!
Saturday afternoon was spent resting.
I hit the streets again Sunday morning, for a slow recovery run. The first few dozen paces were far from comfortable, but movement got easier as my muscles warmed up, and I felt great by the end!
Monday (today) is a rest day – I woke up feeling refreshed and my legs are feeling stronger and less battered. So overall, it seems that things are coming together nicely…
Saturday – 30.51km – 4:58:01 (phone battery ran out before the 32km mark)
Sunday – 4.99km – 52:50 (very slow and easy recovery run)
04:15 – berry wheat bites. 2 slices toast with butter & marmalade. orange juice
05:25 – bus, nap
06:30 – Macadamia & tropical fruit mix
07:30 – Fruit cup
09:30 – black coffee. chocolate cake
11:45 – asian chicken salad with crispy noodles & canton sauce
13:30 – chicken noodle soup & linseed roll
14:15 – bus, nap
15:00 – cookie, cup of tea
19:00 – Chinese takeaway, 2 glasses red wine
22:00 – Glass milk, bed