Time to bed (previous night): 11:30pm
Time got up (today): 05:30
Mood (1 to 5):
Morning 5
Weight: 119.2kg (shoes on)
05:30 – 1 multigrain cracker, glass of water
06:00 – Gym (see details below)
08:30 – Bowl porridge. Orange juice
11:00 – Cup of tea, 1 digestive biscuit
13:00 – Chicken and fish pieces, sauteed potatoes
17:00 – Pre-dinner nibbles (cheese, olives, dips, crackers)
18:30 – Family dinner. Chicken & lettuce mini pittas. Mediterranean Fish Stew. Strawberry cheesecake.
23:00 – Water. Bed
5 minutes warm-up bike
5km Row – 22m 11s @ level 7
20 x Leg Press (level 15), 20 x Chest Press (level 10)
20 x Leg Press (level 15), 20 x Chest Press (level 10)
20 x Leg Press (level 15), 20 x Chest Press (level 10)
20 x Push-ups, 20 Squats
20 x Push-ups, 20 Squats
20 x Push-ups, 20 Squats
20 x Crunches
“Plank” as long as possible – 46s
20 x Ab Twists
“Plank” as long as possible – 55s
40 x bicycle legs
“Plank” as long as possible – 31s
Net effect of being ill for a few days, then a couple of days of eating normally, seems to be about 2kg weight loss. Probably would have been 3kg down before I started eating properly again – not good.
Anyway, it takes me down below 120kg for the first time in years, so now to make sure it stays off!