For many people, the dream of moving abroad and (typically) living in warmer climes is a key driver behind wanting the geo-freedom that online business can lead to.
But there’s more to it than just heading to the Mediterranean with a laptop and sun screen. It isn’t just about living in the location of your dreams.
Having spent time 19 years living in Western Australia, I can honestly put my hand on my heart and say that I’m living the dream. I grew up in the South West of England, and have swapped drizzle and cold weather for sunshine and warmth. My lifestyle is more outdoors-based, I took up running (and eventually triathlon), and I often go for a swim in the Indian Ocean on the way to work.
But geographical freedom is still a driver for me… because while I live in an amazing place, I am tied to work, to my annual leave allowance, and my financial ability to pay for flights to the UK… to share important moments with my family, to enjoy the land of my birth, and not have to compromise on plans to explore Australia and the rest of the world.
Why do I mention this? Well, it’s because I didn’t truly understand this underlying driver until I started to work through my motivations and reasons for pursuing this path. It was only by digging deep that I even realised that “freedom to spend time on both sides of the world” outweighs “freedom to train for ultras and triathlons”.
Do the work and the gold nuggets reveal themselves 😉😊