well, one thing can be said about being forced back to public transport… my Garmin step count target is being reached and beaten with relative ease – and I haven’t even got back into regular morning walks yet…
maybe it’s pointing to leaving the car home more often, but let’s see how things go with a few wet cold days before being too hasty 😆
food was ok again today – it’s pretty much the same each work day… bacon and eggs for breakfast, a small can of tuna, seaweed snack and kombucha for lunch, stevia-sweetened bars for mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks, and then maybe a sandwich or meat/cheese when I get home.
hydration maybe could be better, but in this cooler weather I’m not especially thirsty.
overall, the weight continues to slowly fall, my energy levels are still good, and when I check my blood sugar intermittently it’s always where it needs to be (albeit still thanks to metformin and tradjenta lol)
steps today – 7100 with a couple of hours left to go…